DigiCampus is a company that focuses on the educational needs of South African students. The past two years have been spent developing an online learning support platform, valued at over R68 million rand, to ensure that all South African students have access to quality education. In 2021 we offered students access to free recorded lessons that were developed by some of South Africa’s top educators. During this time, we enhanced our offering by creating a structured lesson approach that allows students access to the recorded lessons with additional supporting notes and activities.

Video lessons are a visual representation which presents educational material for a topic which is to be learned. Educators make use of various visual media to ensure that the learner is actively engaged in the lesson.

The overview highlights the main points
that are covered in the lesson.
This is important for the child to
understand the lesson context.

Lesson notes are typically the notes
that an A grade students will take in
every lesson. It covers the main points
from the overview in some more detail.
In other words; a summarized lesson.
The essence of the lesson without the frills.

This is typically a classwork or homework
exercise that learners can do on their own time
with pen and paper. Once done they can go
to the memo and mark their answers and make corrections. Thus reinforcement of what has
been learned in the lesson.

At the end of every lesson there is a quiz
with multiple choice questions based on the
content of the lesson. The student receives
the results of the quiz immediately enabling
them to identify areas of strengths and
weaknesses within the topic.